Building inspection in Melbourne averts disaster yet again

When we conducted a pre purchase building inspection at this Donvale house in Melbourne it was almost totally destroyed by termites, and it had taken just 5 months. The owners had no idea that the house was being total consumed when Melbourne House Check conducted a building inspection at the house for other reasons. To their surprise we found active termites in all areas of the house. After the shocking discovery that termites had eaten through most of the structural components of the house, came the even harder discovery that their insurance didn’t cover the damage of termites. It’s a bit like having your house built in a flood prone area and not being covered for flood damage. Actually, most people have no idea when we tell them that house insurance doesn’t cover termite attack. Anyway, luckily this family commissioned a termite management program immediately which is having affect right now. The damage will be assessed later. 12 Monthly pest inspections aren’t often enough. We are finding evidence of termite activity in about 1 in 8 of our building and pest inspections  in Melbourne. At Melbourne House Check we study termite attack in houses. Call us on 1300 729 352 or send us an email here.

House inspection in Melbourne discovers decaying mortar? – Here’s the reason.

At Melbourne House Check we often see decaying mortar in brick houses during house inspections in Melbourne. This powdery, decaying mortar is called fretting. Essentially, fretting is where the mortar between brickwork begins to ‘fret’ or fall away. There are a few theories on why fretting occurs, but the science of fretting mortar is all about the presences of salts, and basically, fretting is the erosion of mortar by the presence and subsequent evaporation of water, and the growing of salt crystals which corrode the mortar joint. As the brick dries, the salt is left behind and forms salt crystals, which grow in the voids within the bricks and mortar. As more salt is left behind by the evaporation of water, salt crystals grow larger and larger, and the strength of these growing salt crystals can often be stronger than the elements that hold the brick together and subsequently the mortar crumbles away. Fretting mortar is easy to spot during house inspections. Look at the cement joints, and if you see any crumbling or powdery mortar it’s a good indication that the brickwork is fretting. In its advanced stages the mortar will be almost completely missing, and at that point, the rows of bricks may begin to collapse onto the bricks below, similar to the attached photo. Fretting mortar can be hard to stop, so it’s crucial to identify were the salts are coming from in the first place. It may be from within the brick or mortar, or an outside source, like exposed weather or constant watering. In its advanced stages the only real way of rectifying mortar fretting is to re point the brickwork, which can often be an expensive procedure. So, if you are conducting your own pre purchase building inspections in Melbourne, and you come across fretting mortar, call us at Melbourne house Check for free advice on 1300 729 352, or send us an email here. You can view our Google+ post on decaying mortar also.

Pest inspections in Melbourne: conditions to look for.

At Melbourne House Check we are overly aware of conditions around house that are conducive to termite attack. When conducting pre purchase building and pest inspections in Melbourne we advise our clients of these conditions and make recommends for the removal and rectification in order to prevent the risk of future timber pest presence.

These conditions commonly include the following:
• Bridging or breaching of termite barriers and inspection zones. In a concrete slab building it is essential that the edge of the slab is permanently exposed. An inspection zone of at least 75mm should be maintained so that termites are forced into the open where they can be detected more readily.
• Untreated or non-durable timber in contact with the ground. For example railway sleepers used as garden bed barriers may encourage termite activity. It is important that timber used in a hazardous environment is of sufficient natural durability or is adequately preserved.
• Cellulose materials littered around and in the subfloor of the house may attract termite attack and should always be removed as soon as possible.
• Lack of subfloor ventilation is a restriction of natural air movement under a suspended timber floor. Good ventilation protects against the degradation of timber caused by fungal decay and insect attack.
• The presence of excessive moisture. Excessive moisture exists where timber or soil hold enough moisture to attract or support termite colony development or fungal growth.
Removing conditions around the house that are conducive to termite attack is essential. At Melbourne House Check we offer a professional pre purchase building and pest inspections in Melbourne for $520 including GST. We co-ordinate the inspection directly with the agent and deliver the report to you the same day. We also offer free ongoing building support if you purchase the house. Call us on 1300 729 352 for further advice on our building and pest inspections in Melbourne or send us an email here.

Read our other articles on termite inspections and termite damage

Is your house at risk of termite infestation?

Termite infestation in a new home under 2 years old

Self diagnosing termite issues

Building inspections also look for termites

Our Termatrac radar devices

You can view our Google+ post on this matter also.

Building inspection in Melbourne avoids a disaster

Melbourne House Check have yet another story this week of how a building inspection prevented a family from buying a financial disaster. An increasingly common case of a well presented house having a long list of cover ups and defects that would have literally cost tens of thousands of dollars to rectify. This particular Melbourne house had been renovated by the vendor and the work was not conducted in line with our building code and also access to the subfloor and roof space was prevented. Conditions included load bearing walls that had been removed without adequate structural reinforcement and non-compliant plumbing work.
Pre purchase inspections are vitally important in ensuring that you are clear about the structural status of a house. If you wish to speak with us regarding a house inspection in a Melbourne House that you are considering purchasing please feel free to contact us on 1300 729 352, or send us an email here.

You can view our Google+ post on this matter also.

Building inspections and 5 reasons not to buy a house

At Melbourne House Check we are constantly finding problems in houses. While the vast majority of problems are minor, there are some defects that just can’t be ignored. When conducting house inspections in Melbourne, consideration needs to be given to the age of the house when assessing whether a defect is a major concern. For example a 60 year old house with a small crack in the brickwork should be assessed differently than a 3 year old house with the same defect. In summary, each house needs to be considered differently based on location, site positioning, construction method, workmanship, age, maintenance history and the existence of any timber pests.

Here are five “buyer beware” indicators:

  1. A wet subfloor should always be met with apprehension. The damage that a poorly drained site can have is often disastrous. Structural damage, fungal decay and damaging personal health effects are to name just a few.
  2. Widespread brickwork cracking can be extremely annoying. While the brickwork in brick veneer houses is non-structural above the floor line, it can be a costly process to rectify. Patching cracked brickwork is often just as noticeable as the original cracks, and because the cause of the problem is commonly foundation movement, patching is often a temporary fix. If a house you are considering has widespread brickwork cracking it is important to investigate the cause further.
  3. Asbestos was a widely used building material between 1960 – 1985. It has now been widely documented that asbestos is an extremely dangerous material, and while some studies show it’s safe to live with while dormant in a house, it will either vastly depreciate the value of a house or be a costly exercise if you wish to remove it. Be cautious if you suspect asbestos materials have been used in exterior cladding, roofing or insulation in houses that you are considering.
  4. Evidence of past termite treatments have either been installed as a preventative measure or an eradication procedure. It is important that an analysis is considered as to whether a house has active termites or has had active termites in the past. Termite activity is becoming increasingly common, so make sure you are fully informed as to the timber pest status of a house and be aware of termite baiting stations or termite treatment holes around the perimeter of a house.
  5. Houses that have been newly rendered and painted are the natural enemy of the modern building inspector. It makes it difficult to assess whether a house has structural defects that have been covered up in order to sell the house. Houses that have had such makeovers require much more thorough investigation.

At Melbourne House Check we are passionate about house inspection and investigation. These five cautions are only a few elements that need to be considered while inspecting a house. Please feel free to contact us for a no obligation discussion about pre purchase building inspections in Melbourne. Call us on 1300 729 352, or send us an email here.


You can view our Google+ post on this matter also.

Pre purchase house inspections and the 5 most frequently asked questions

When people contact Melbourne House Check for a property inspection in Melbourne they usually have a few questions. The five most common questions are as follows:

 Question: How quickly can you look at the house?

Answer: We contact the agent immediately and request an inspection time that suits all parties (agent, vendor and inspector). This inspection time and date is usually scheduled within 24 to 48 hours of you contacting us.

Question: How long after the building inspection will we receive the report?

Answer: We make sure that the report is delivered to you the same day as the inspection. Our reports on average are emailed before 10pm.

Question: We are wanting to make some changes to the house. Are you able to tell us if these changes are possible?

Answer: We definitely encourage you to outline any plans you have for your prospective house. Because we are registered builders we are qualified to discuss different options and can give you comprehensive advice on differing cost solutions.

Question: Will you measure our land?

Answer: Melbourne House Check measuring your land will not be as accurate as a land surveyor. We are happy to compare the actual site to the measurements shown on the section 32. If you would like this service just ask us prior to your scheduled inspection. You will need to email us a copy of the section 32.

Question: Are you insured and experienced to conduct building and pest inspections?

Answer: At Melbourne House check we are experienced and licenced builders. We are insured with both professional indemnity and public liability cover. We are trained and insured timber pest inspectors and we pride ourselves in being able to offer our clients compressive advice that has taken a lifetime to acquire. If you commission Melbourne House Check to conduct a pre purchase building and pest inspection at your prospective house in Melbourne you can be assured of a thorough and professional service.


If you have any further questions regarding pre purchase building inspections, please make contact with us for a no obligation discussion on 1300 729 352, or send us an email here. 

Other pre purchase inspection articles:

Pre purchase inspections – 4 things you need to know

The positives of a pre purchase inspection

Pre purchase house inspections – Don’t risk not getting one

Why is it important to have a pre purchase inspection before buying?

You can view our Google+ post regarding these questions also.

Building inspections always uncover the bad stuff.

While crawling underneath houses during building inspections we often see poor building work. Either builders don’t expect their dodgy work will ever be uncovered or owners and vendors patch things up to make a quick sale without spending money. Whatever the circumstance, most defects are discovered during building inspections. This particular defect was uncovered deep into a subfloor at a house in the suburb of Ivanhoe, in Melbourne. In this case a bearer (a structural component of the floor) was being supported by a stack of loose bricks. This condition is inadequate and is considered a major structural defect. This client was well informed as to the condition of the house at the time of negotiation and went on to purchase it. Learn more about our inspection services by viewing this page. If you would like to speak with us about pre purchase building inspections in Melbourne, please don’t hesitate to contact us for a no obligation discussion on 1300 729 352, or send us an email here.


Brickwork cracking

Brickwork cracking is a common concern for house buyers. Suburban brick veneer houses often present themselves with brick cracking to some degree, and while in most cases the brickwork of these houses is non-structural above the floor level, cracking can be a difficult and expensive problem to rectify. Because brick veneer construction is brittle, in recent years we now construct brick veneer houses with articulation joints, which accommodate any movement in a building. Movement occurs for many different reasons, including variations in climate or temperature, movement in the frame and movement in the foundations. It is important to diagnose the severity of brick work cracking prior to purchasing and to also assess whether the defect is considered a structural or non-structural element. Melbourne House check considers the condition of all brickwork within a pre purchase building inspection. If you would like to speak with us in detail about brickwork cracking we can be contact through our website

Read our other posts on brickwork problems:

Leaning brickwalls

Cracks in brickwork

House Hunting – 2 things to look out for.

If you are house hunting, make sure you know what you are buying.

Sometimes vendor’s attempt to cover up defects. Here are 2 thing’s to look out for – Old houses that have been newly rendered and newly painted interiors.

Sometimes these improvements have been made to conceal problems, mainly cracking in walls. If you are presented with new render or new paint work, it’s important to look further.

Pre-Purchase House and Pest Inspections identify the things you need to know.


carbon monoxide check

Carbon Monoxide Check

Carbon Monoxide or CO can be deadly. It is an odorless, colorless gas that is omitted from faulty gas appliances. It is important that gas appliances in your house that produce Carbon Monoxide emissions are tested regularly.

The initial symptoms of low to moderate CO poisoning are similar to the flu (but without the fever). They include:

  • Headache,
  • shortness of breath,
  • nausea
  • Dizziness.

Some common products that can emit carbon monoxide when you use them are

  • Flued gas heaters
  • gas BBQs
  • portable cookers that use wood, gas or kerosene
  • portable heaters that use wood, gas or kerosene

Melbourne House Check test for dangerous Carbon Monoxide emissions.