Pre-purchase house inspections: Don’t risk not getting one.

If you are considering buying a house without having a pre purchase inspection you are taking a huge risk. Just because a house is presented well, doesn’t mean all is ok. In fact there are just so many things that can be hidden it takes more than just an eager eye to identify the problems. Here are just a few recent issues we have identified:

  • Restumped houses not level.
  • Water leaking through ceilings from balconies above that have been disguised.
  • Unidentified blocked sewers from trees.
  • Rotting structural timbers underneath bathrooms due to leaking.
  • DIY wall removal that has resulted in structural deficiencies.
  • DIY deck and pergola construction resulting in safety concerns.
  • Inadequate site drainage that has not been identified in summer months that has resulted in footing failures and a build-up of water underneath the house.
  • Re painted interiors that cover up structural movement.
  • Active termites.

Pre-Purchase Building and Pest Inspections are cost effective and important. The photo below is from a house that presented beautifully on the outside, however underneath the floor was a completely different story. This photo shows a brick pillar supporting the floor bearers and joists. It’s not meant to look this messy and incomplete. This was common underneath this house of which the prospective purchaser had no idea of the poor quality of workmanship. If you are buying a house you need to know the standard of which it has been built. Melbourne House Check – For Peace of Mind. You can view our Google+ and Facebook posts on this matter below. You can call us on 1300 729 352 or you can send us an email here. 16

Read our other pre purchase inspection articles:

Pre purchase inspections – 4 things you need to know

The positives of a pre purchase inspection

5 Frequently asked pre purchase inspection questions

Why is it important to have a pre purchase inspection before buying?

2 replies
  1. Helen Smart says:

    The house we are looking at is only 1 year old. Is it still worth getting an inspection?
    Thanks Helen.

    • MHC says:

      Hi Helen,
      It is probably even more necessary. Builders cutting costs and rushing jobs have become a real problem. If the house has been built by a large volume builder, the chance is fairly high that there will be problems that will expose themselves over time. Remember that just because the job has been inspected by the builder’s building surveyor doesn’t always mean it has been built well. Inspecting new houses is a must. Hope this helps.

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