Building inspections: a tale of two houses.

One of these two houses has major structural deficiencies. Can you tell which one? To not judge a book by its cover is something that is vitally important when conducting pre purchase house inspections. Houses for sale are often made up to present better than they usually do, or measures are taken to cover up decay and defects. Recently, at a building inspection in Melbourne, we inspected two neighbouring houses for the same client. Both houses were presented beautifully, except one of the houses had a major structural defect that was almost impossible to detect by the average person. A good pre purchase house inspection in Melbourne will uncover these structural problems. At Melbourne House Check we search for the truth about house health and the presence of termites. You can learn more about our combined building and pest inspections here. Call us on 1300 729 352 or send us an email here.

You can view our Google+ post on these houses here.