Inspection that found propping of entire sub-floor
How important is it to have a building inspection completed before purchasing a property? Many people believe that because a house looks great inside and out that it is unlikely to have any major structural problems. It is common for buyers to purchase a property without looking in the sub-floor or roof space area for major problems that could be concealing structural issues. The fact is, that it is just as common for a well presented house to have major structural issues as one that appears to be dilapidated.
The above photograph was recently taken in a sub-floor of an outer Melbourne suburb. The house was a well presented 3 bedroom house and seemed to have no major problems. That is, until access was gained to the sub-floor. Unbelievably, up to 20 steel props were in position throughout the sub-floor supporting the bearing members of the floor frame due to previous subsidence of the foundations. This propping of the floor was concealing a major structural defect, and because Melbourne House Check were engaged to conduct the inspection, the client saved himself a considerable amount of money when he was able to withdraw from the purchase, that otherwise would have been spent re-stumping the house if this defect was not identified.
We are currently seeing an increasing trend where many people purchasing a property do not commission a house inspection due to the rush of sale, and we are uncovering defects like the one above after settlement of a property has occurred and it is too late for the purchaser to change their mind. It is essential that the home buyer realises the importance of identifying major structural defects that are not obvious to the untrained observer, and it is critical that access to sub-floor and roof voids are gained to achieve this.
Melbourne House Check conduct building and pest inspections Melbourne wide. If you wish to speak with us about a house that you are considering, we can be contacted 7 days a week on 1300 729 352. Or alternatively, complete our on-line survey request form and we will contact you to arrange an inspection.