Coptotermes acinaciformis termite

Building Inspections also look for termites.

During a Building inspection it’s vital that your building inspector is experienced in timber pest detection. All too often we find damage caused by termites, and more often than not that damage is a structural concern. This week alone we have uncovered termite attack in 3 Melbourne houses. In one particular house in Newport, termites had built a sub nest in a wall cavity behind the shower. It wasn’t until the builder removed the wall lining to renovate the room, that he uncovered a massive termite nest that is shown below. The species shown above is a Coptoterme Acinaciformis, which is one of the most destructive termites of timber structures in Australia. Having a building inspection prior to buying a house does not automatically include a termite inspection, so it is vital that when you commission a building inspection, you ensure that it includes a timber pest inspection also, in order to specifically identify any termite activity and conditions around the house that are conducive to termite attack.

Building inspections will include an inspection of the house exterior, interior, the roof space within the ceiling, the subfloor underneath the house, the roof exterior and the entire site of the property. It will consider the structural elements of the house, assess the standard of workmanship and note the condition of the timber frame. Having building inspections prior to purchasing is the best way to get peace of mind, and considering that house insurance doesn’t cover termite attack, building inspections are great insurance.

Melbourne House Check conduct combined building and pest inspections. Call us anytime regarding building inspections at a house that you are considering. Bookings can be made through our website or by calling our office on 1300 729 352.

Read our other articles on termite inspections and termite damage

Is your house at risk of termite infestation?

Termite infestation in a new home under 2 years old

Self diagnosing termite issues

Pest inspections in Melbourne – conditions to look for

Our Termatrac radar devices

termite attack house in Newport, Melbourne

be aware of pre-arranged inspection reports

Pre-arranged Building Inspection Reports – be aware.

Recently we have noticed that house inspection reports are being marketed at open houses. The offer to prospective buyers is claiming that a building inspection has been conducted at this property and is available to purchase for a reduced rate. The fundamental problem with this type of building report is that it has most likely been offered to the vendor for free by the building inspection company, in the hope that several prospective buyers will purchase the report during the marketing campaign. Be very wary of this, as it will almost certainly not portray the house badly. If it did portray the house poorly, the vendor and agent would not allow it to be available to prospective buyers. Building reports that have been commissioned by either the vendor or the agent should be questioned. Commissioning a house inspection report that you have researched yourself is the only way to be certain that the house inspection was thorough and adhered to the Australian Standard that applies to pre-purchase building inspections. Here are just a few issues that may be present and areas that are included in building inspections that you need to know about:

  • Active termites or conditions around the house that are conducive to termite attack.
  • Timber decay in or around the wet areas of the house, incl. under bathrooms, kitchen and laundry areas.
  • The condition of the subfloor, including stumps, bearers, joists and flooring.
  • The condition of the roof space, including the frame and insulation and any lighting dangers.
  • The condition of the roof covering, including the gutters and downpipes, and also the fascia and bargeboards.
  • Inspections include building exteriors, building interiors, roof exterior, roof space, subfloor, any outbuildings and the entire site.

If you are a prospective buyer considering commissioning a building inspection and would like to know more about how we conduct a building inspection and exactly what is included, please feel free to make contact with us at Melbourne House Check on 1300 729 352.


Sarah’s story – Asbestos and her close call.

A recent client, Sarah, this week bought a flat. It seemed perfect. She was thrilled at the thought that the year-long search had finally resulted in a purchase. Better still, this flat had been renovated. It had been completely painted inside, and a new kitchen had been installed. Sarah had missed out on a flat prior to this one. We had conducted a pre-purchase building inspection on the one she missed out on prior to auction. With this flat, the agent convinced Sarah not to have an inspection prior to purchase, and claimed that it would make more sense to buy it first and then commission the inspection. So she did. Sarah bought the flat, paid the 10% deposit and then called us at Melbourne House Check to conduct the inspection. During the inspection we found that the entire roof of Sarah’s flat was asbestos. Not only was Sarah’s roof asbestos, but also the other 15 flats within the development. Sarah decided to withdraw from the sale.

asbestos roof coveringasbestos roof covering 2asbestos roof covering 3

Sarah said –
“After talking to a few people I’ve decided to pull out of the contract. I just don’t want to assume this kind of risk in my first property purchase. I wanted to thank you for completing such a detailed inspection, I wouldn’t have known a thing and I know there are many consultants out there who wouldn’t have bothered with looking at everything that was available. I will not hesitate to use and refer your services to others in the future… The search continues, let’s hope I get 3rd time lucky!”

Asbestos was commonly used in residential construction in Melbourne from 1940 to the late 1980’s. Roofing and exterior cladding were the common applications. The featured photos are the asbestos roof of Sarah’s potential flat. It is vital to understand that removal of materials such as this containing asbestos is extremely dangerous and should only be undertaken by a licensed person. It is also important to know that standing on asbestos roofs such as the above is extremely dangerous, as often this product has become brittle and structurally inadequate. If you are considering buying a house or undertaking a renovation that involves any products that may contain asbestos, it is vital that you conduct a building inspection first. Contact us at Melbourne House Check here for more information on our house inspections in Melbourne or call us on 1300 729 352.

a house inspection property melbourne

The House Inspection that was 30 days too late.

Jim and Michelle had just settled their first home. It was perfect, and finally was all theirs after years of planning. This is a story about a family who we conducted a building and pest inspection for in Melbourne. First home buyers who were so excited about buying their 3 bedroom brick veneer house in Blackburn that they failed to have a house inspection prior to purchase. Contrary to their parent’s persistent requests, Jim and Michelle assumed that all would be well. They thought that because the house presented well, and considering the house was about 30 years old and hadn’t had any problems, that they would save the money and just move in. They thought that if there were any problems they would be able to fix them slowly over the next few years as they saved more money. There-in lies the first problem.

NEVER ASSUME ANYTHING. Never assume that the condition of any house is as it looks from the outside or during an open house inspection. Time after time we see houses with major structural defects that are presented beautifully. Houses that have been made-over by vendors simply to offload the problems. In the case of Jim and Michelle, the couple had exhausted all their savings after paying the deposit and stamp duty, and they were going to be at their limit as far as loan repayments month to month. Settlement day came, and about a week after they moved in they noticed that a deck post in the backyard had been hollowed out. They decided to organise a building inspection for their peace of mind, which they always thought was a good idea, however because the house seemed fine, they simply didn’t get around to it. What we found was heart wrenching. Termites had not only eaten decking timbers, but had moved on into the house causing incredible structural damage. They had made their way through structural bottom plate timbers, and had even got into the roof framing. In summary, the house needed a builder immediately. Remember, they settled only 30 days prior to this discovery. Worse is, that house insurance in Australia doesn’t cover termite damage. As this article got published Jim and Michelle are considering their options and a plan of how to move forward. They have contacted a pest control company who are assisting them with a proposal of how to stop the damage. After that, they will be able to assess the damage and establish the costs of rectification. Jim and Michelle are an example of why a building and pest inspection prior to purchase is vital. Melbourne House Check conduct pre purchase building and pest inspections Melbourne wide. They can be contacted on 1300 729 352.

Two Storey House Inspection Melbourne

Do this prior to purchase

Buying a house can be an exciting process, however it can also be a nightmare if things go wrong. There are just so many elements of a house that can go wrong, which is why it’s vital that checks are made and processes are followed. House inspections prior to purchase are an important part of that process. A house inspection will consider the structural components of the house. During an inspection a building consultant will access the roof space and subfloor, and make an assessment of the quality of the workmanship and the condition of the timber. When the consultant accesses the subfloor they will determine the condition of the stumps and look at the underside of the wet areas, such as the bathroom, laundry and kitchen to determine whether they are leaking or have visible signs of decay. A house inspection will consider the condition of brickwork, and whether there is cracking. It will determine whether the house has moved and the stability of the site.

A property inspection prior to your purchase will in most cases provide you with a list of defects, major or minor, and provide a cost for those defects in order for you to determine exactly how much is needed to rectify the problems. A house inspection arms you with the knowledge to make an informed decision about the house you are considering. Remember that most houses have defects, a house inspection simply identifies the problems, costs the problems and presents the information to you clearly.

Melbourne House Check conduct professional house inspections Melbourne wide. They are fully insured and offer a quality, personalised service. If you need more information regarding house inspections please give us a call on 1300 729 352, reviews of our service can be viewed on our Google+ page here.

Our Google+ post can be viewed here.

ponding water under house

Inspection nightmares – Part 4

How a vendor cover-up caused heartache to a family. When a house is presented for sale during an advertising campaign and it looks like it is faultless, it’s vital that further, and more detailed inspection is conducted. Often, when a buyer looks at buying a new house, they are more focussed on their emotions, whereby they dream and simulate living at the house, rather than assessing the factual condition of the house. People walk through houses and consider things like colours, lighting, furniture and living in the neighbourhood, rather that establishing whether the house has major structural defects or there are conditions around the house that are conducive to major defects. The Sweeny family in Melbourne recently bought a house in Glen Iris that they fell in love with immediately during the first open for inspection. Little did they know that the house was riddled with problems that had been disguised by the vendors. Problems that were of such an extreme nature that it would eventually affect the health of the entire family. One of the problems was that the ground underneath the house was continually wet, and some periods throughout the year water pooled underneath the bedrooms. This created such an unhealthy environment that one of the children developed a respiratory health condition that was extremely serious.

water ceiling leaking

The other problem that the house had, was that the roof of the house was at the end of its life and had started to leak. These leaks were covered up by the vendor, which temporarily stopped the leaks only long enough for the advertising period. As soon as the Sweeny family moved in, water started coming through the plaster ceiling. “Water just started pouring through light fittings one night. The next day we had a plumber come to see what the problem was and he said that the roof was rusted and had holes in the iron.” Marg Sweeny said. What had occurred is that the vendors had applied a paintable membrane on the roof iron in order to stop any leaking, however this was a temporary solution that was never going to last long. This nightmare story could have been avoided if the Sweeny family had commissioned a building inspection prior to purchase, that identified the defects and prevented them from buying the house. In this case the rectification of defects have been valued at approximately $21,000, which was not in the Sweeny’s budget. Melbourne House Check conduct Building and pest inspections Melbourne wide. They can be contacted through the website here, or by calling 1300 729 352.

cracked brick wall

Inspection nightmares – Part 3

Our house inspection series continues, showing some of the interesting defects and cover-ups we find in houses each week during house inspections Melbourne wide. It amazes us how some houses are presented for sale, and the poor quality of DIY work that can be found. We continue to find blanket foil insulation in roof spaces, a condition that is arguably one of the most dangerous defects a house can have. Foil insulation in ceiling spaces almost certainly comes into contact with light fittings and electrical connections, and is both a fire hazard and an immediate electrocution hazard. Important to note that before you buy a house always check first for the presence of foil insulation before entering the roof space. 1              2

Sometimes DIY confidence can get out of control. Watching reality TV building shows can often give home owners a false sense of self ability with respect to exactly what they can and can’t do. We believe that the owners of the house below had such confidence, but perhaps they weren’t really capable. Our advice to DIY renovators is clear. Take particular care in determining the load of the roof prior to removing internal walls and establish if there are materials containing asbestos in the house prior to doing anything. Remember that even carpet laid up to the 1980’s can contain asbestos. Insulation, plaster, internal wall linings and external cladding can all contain asbestos. DIY confidence is great. Import to know some facts first however.

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Maintenance history of a house that you are considering buying is another important factor. How well a house has been maintained is considered during professional pre purchase building inspections. To follow, are a few examples of houses we have found where maintenance has been forgotten. Remember that poor maintenance can lead to conditions that are conducive to structural deterioration and decay.

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Because there are just so many elements of a house that can be concealed, it is vital to investigate the structural components of the house prior to purchase. Pre purchase house inspections do just that and a comprehensive property condition report gives great peace of mind and helps you make an informed purchase decision. Melbourne House Check conduct thorough building inspections Melbourne wide. Contact can be made through the website here.

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Inspection Nightmares – Part 2

While conducting house inspections Melbourne wide, Melbourne House Check have collated a collage of house inspection disasters that continue to amaze us. Inadequate subfloor conditions are over represented in our building inspections in Melbourne, and in the first part of this year it has been a common discovery to identify major structural defects in beautifully presented houses. Borer attack, termite activity and fungal decay are amongst some of the nightmare stories, and as you will see, it is also common for any old left over building materials to be used to support floors. Another common inspection nightmare that we uncover is hot light fittings in contact with combustible materials in roof spaces. Sometimes we question whether the house will even survive to the auction date. Melbourne House Check conduct pre purchase building and pest inspections in Melbourne. Contact can be made through the website here.

House inspection in Thornbury 1house inspection Thornbury 23 salmon 43 salmon ave 23 salmon ave 33 Salmon st3 Yewers St Sunshine8 wallace10 74 graham sttermite attack14 dunvegan 241 flinders 2house inspection creswickhouse inspection furnhursthouse inspection Dear Park
You can view our Google+ post on this matter also.

Inspection Nightmares – Part 1

Jamie and Stacey have a young family. The recent purchase of their first home, which they had been saving for and planning for 6 years, was supposed to be amongst some of the happiest moments of their lives, however soon after taking possession of their Melbourne house, they uncovered the nightmare. The house had been severely attacked by termites. “Being our first home we didn’t want to spend any money on a house inspection. The house looked perfectly fine, and we had my Dad come and have a look through. He even looked underneath the house and said all looked ok”. Stacey said.


After Jamie and Stacey moved into the house they noticed a few things that didn’t seem quite right. “We noticed some timber decking posts had been hollowed out from top to bottom and two of the rooms had fairly bouncy floors. Then we noticed that the door to underneath the house had rotten. The problem is that when we were looking at the house to buy, we were so overwhelmed with the prospect of finally getting our own home, that we didn’t pay enough attention to the structure of the building”.


It turns out that the house was consumed by termites. They had worked their way through most of the structural timber bearers and joists in the subfloor and most of the bottom plates of the walls. What they thought was a rotten door to the subfloor was also termites, and they had even started to eat through various door frames in the house.


The night mare for Jamie and Stacey is that their house insurance does not cover termite damage, which means that they need to cover the repair costs themselves. “Unfortunately, Jamie says, that is money that we just don’t have. We are at our limit financially just paying our mortgage, without needing to repair this damage that we didn’t know was even there”. Melbourne House Check conducted a Building and pest inspection 1 week after Jamie and Stacey settled their first home. A pre purchase house and pest inspection would have identified this termite activity and prevented them from buying the nightmare. For information about pre purchase building and pest inspections, contact us via email here.

You can view our Google+ post on this story here.

before buying house

Top 5 things to check before Buying a house

Melbourne House Check have compiled a list of things to check during house inspections prior to buying your house. Because there are so many elements of a house that need to be considered prior to purchase, it is vital that you do not assume that all is well. Be advised that perfect houses are extremely rear, therefore assessing the degree defects and considering the costs of rectification is a must prior to establishing your financial limit.

  1. Establish that the house is structurally sound. It is our number 1 item. You would be surprised to know how many houses that we inspect have major structural defects that are not obvious. Major structural defects are never cheap to fix, so always make a full assessment of all the structural elements of the house, including the subfloor, roof space, stumps and footings.
  2. Check for termites. Second to checking if the house is structurally sound, establishing that there are no active termites is the next most important consideration, because if termites are active, the house won’t be structurally sound for long. Termites in most cases obtain undetected access to the timber components of houses, and houses that are built on concrete slabs are at an even greater risk. Now days all houses in Melbourne are at risk of termite attack, and because termites can cause a catastrophic degree of damage in a very short amount of time, it is vital that a thorough termite inspection is undertaken prior to your purchase. Remember also, that house insurance doesn’t cover termite damage. You can learn more about termite attacks here.
  3. Check the measurements of the land and compare it with the title document. You would be surprise to know how many houses we inspect where the actual measurements of the land are not consistent with the title measurements, therefore it’s best to find this sort of problem out first.
  4. Establish that any past building work has been issued with the required compliance certification. Illegal building work is common. Getting left with non-conforming building work after you settle can result in a building notice being issued and in some cases demolition of the works. It is common for decks, pergolas, the removal of internal walls, spas, pools and sheds to all be undertaken without the required documentation. You can check with your local council to establish if building permits have been issued in the last 6.5 years if you suspect illegal building work has been undertaken.
  5. Undertake a site assessment. Assessing the land and its drainage is vital. Consideration should also be given to neighbouring blocks in order to establish the effect they may have on your land. Remember that poorly drain sites can be hard to establish in summer months.

Melbourne House Check conduct pre purchase house inspections Melbourne wide. We can be contacted via email here, or by calling 1300 729 352.
See our Google+ post here.